International Survey of Catholic Women: Analysis of Responses from Australia
- McEwan, Tracy, McPhillips, Kathleen, Pepper, Miriam
- McPhillips, Kathleen, McEwan, Tracy, Death, Jodi, Richards, Kelly
- Islam, Sabrina, Hosseini, S. A. Hamed, McPhillips, Kathleen
- Death, Jodi, Richards, Kelly, McPhillips, Kathleen
- Lentini, Pete, Halafoff, Anna, Singleton, Andrew, Barton, Greg, Maddox, Marion, McPhillips, Kathleen, Posamai-Inesedy, Alphia
Introduction: religion, gender and violence
- McPhillips, Kathleen, Page, Sarah-Jane
- McEwan, Tracy, Sterland, Sam, McPhillips, Kathleen
Religion after the royal commission: Challenges to religion-state relations
Religion as a vestigial state: A comment on religion, gender and violence
- McPhillips, Kathleen, Salter, Michael, Roberts-Pedersen, Elizabeth, Kezelman, Cathy
Knowing otherwise: restorying intuitive knowing as feminist resistance
- Mozeley, Fee, McPhillips, Kathleen
"Soul Murder": Investigating Spiritual Trauma at the Royal Commission
"Unbearable knowledge": managing cultural trauma at the royal commission
Breathing underwater-swimming in the sea of collective trauma
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